Immigration lawyer

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Andrea Scozzaro

Legal services in the field of immigration

The lawyer Andrea Scozzaro offers legal advice and assistance in the field of immigration and criminal law, as well as counseling and educational training for reception centers and asylum seekers.

Since 2014 he has been working at his law firm in Turin in the field of immigration law and, specifically, in procedures concerning the recognition of international protection (refugee status or asylum, subsidiary protection and humanitarian protection), appeal against expulsion order, renewal or issuance of residence permit and entry visa, request for Italian citizenship, family reunification and adoption of adults.
Since 2018 he is also working in the field of Spanish immigration law, at his law firm in Valencia.

Biography: studies and work experience

Andrea Scozzaro studied at Örebro University (Sweden) and Universidad de Vigo (Spain) and graduated in law in 2012 at the Universita del Piemonte Orientale in Alessandria. After a post-graduate LL.M. in law, economics and finance, in 2014 he started working as a trainee lawyer. He is currently a lawyer in the field of immigration and criminal law. Since 2014, he has participated in the activities of the Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic – organized by the International University College of Turin, Universita di Torino, Universita del Piemonte Orientale – particularly in the drafting of reports on the case law of immigration cases in Turin, Naples and Bologna. With a solid education in philosophy of law, he also writes and publishes articles on international law and social justice.

Publications on immigration and social justice

Carla L. Landri., Andrea Scozzaro, Ulrich Stege, Maurizio Veglio, Ricerca sui provvedimenti in materia di espulsione e trattenimento emessi dal giudice di pace di Torino: anno 2015, Diritto, DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA 2 (2017);

Giulia Fabini, Andrea Scozzaro, Ricerca sui provvedimenti di convalida dell'accompagnamento immediato alla frontiera, delle misure alternative al trattenimento e delle misure associate alla partenza volontaria emessi dal giudice di pace di Bologna: anno 2015, DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA 2 (2017);

Federica Boggio, Rosalba Botta, Anastasia Franco, Carla Lucia Landri, Cristina Pidello, Andrea Scozzaro, Osservatorio sulla giurisprudenza del Giudice di Pace in materia di immigrazione: Ufficio del Giudice di Pace di Napoli, LEXLIUM (2014), www.lexilium.it/pubblicazioni/;

Andrea Scozzaro, Labour Standards in International Law: All States Should Have an Obligation to Punish Misconducts of Multinational Enterprises Under International Customary Law, CUNY LAW REVIEW FOOTNOTE FORUM 19, 2 (2016), www.cunylawreview.org/.

Visa and residence permit in Italy

Article 4, par. 1, D. Lgs.286/1998 regulates the access of foreigners coming from outside the EU into the Italian territory. The possibility to enter Italy depends on obtaining a visa (which consists of a stamp or a vignette on the passport) issued by the Italian diplomatic authorities in the country of origin or stable residence.
Esistono varie tipologie di visto, corrispondenti al motivo dell’ingresso dello straniero in Italia (ad esempio motivi familiari, di turismo, studio, lavoro subordinato, ecc.). Per il rilascio di ciascun tipo di visto sono previste dalla normativa italiana requisiti differenti, da valutare caso per caso.

Right of asylum in Italy

The right of political asylum finds in Italy its constitutional foundation in article 10 of the Constitution, which in par. 3 states: "A foreigner who is effectively prevented from exercising the democratic freedoms guaranteed by the Italian Constitution in his own country has the right to asylum in the territory of the Republic under the conditions laid down by law".
These "conditions" are specified in D. Lgs. 251/2007 (which is a transposition of the European Directive 2004/83, "Qualification Directive") and 25/2008 (transposing the European Directive 2005/85, “Procedures Directive”) establishing international protection, divided in recognition of refugee status and subsidiary protection.

Immigration lawyer contacts

For requests or appointments, contact with the lawyer Andrea Scozzaro:

email: scozzaro.andrea@hotmail.com
mob.: +39 3479326249
off.: Turin (Italy) and Valencia (Spain)

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